Daily Prayer 10.29.2020

Today 10/29/2020 - I asked God for clear direction moving forward. He told me to start praying daily, as if it were already given. To go to our Tree and pray each morning and get in the habit. So today, I did just that and my message was to go to the property, find the real Gathering Tree and to take a photo of it, so it becomes real. I asked if there was anything more, and was told that was my assignment for the day, So, today I will go to the property and look for the Gathering Tree and take a photo to post.

The Gathering Tree


  1. One day it will catch on fire and it will not be consumed. I saw it when that happened years ago. I cried out, look, its God! Do you see? It is God!!!. I was declaring it was God's fire and people did not know what to make of it.

    I love it when He brings stuff back around from years ago. Sincerely, Gary

  2. thank you for sharing your dream ... Gods plans are amazing.
